About the Award
As a research-intensive university, SMU is committed to carrying out research that is world-leading in terms of its originality and distinctiveness, significance and rigour.
Graduate Supervisors play a significant role in fostering and steering the development of postgraduate scholars in their research pursuits, and professional and personal growth as the latter navigate their academic journeys.
The Outstanding Graduate Supervisor Award is a university-level award to formally acknowledge, inspire, and encourage excellent mentorship, and to recognise supervisors’ contributions in nurturing the next generation of future scholars, thought leaders, and game changers.
Award Entitlement
1. $5,000 Cash Award
2. Award Plaque with Name Engraving
- All full-time Tenure, Practice and Education track faculty members who have supervised at least two SMU doctoral (or four SMU master by research) students to completion.
- Each nominee must be active in postgraduate research supervision in the last one year from May 2023 to May 2024, i.e., have supervised at least one active doctoral or master by research student during the indicated period.
The nominations may be submitted by the following:
1. SMU Community
- Current Postgraduate Research Students Mentored by Nominee
- Postgraduate Research Alumni Mentored by Nominee
- Faculty Peers of Nominee
- Administrative Staff
2. Self-Nomination
Evaluation Committee
Nominations will be evaluated by the University Graduate Supervision Committee (UGSC), which will comprise of the following members:
Professor Heli WANG, Dean, College of Graduate Research Studies (Chairperson)
Professor ZHENG Baihua, Associate Dean (Postgraduate Research Programmes), School of Computing and Information Systems
Associate Professor ZHANG Yichong, Programme Director, PhD/MPhil in Economics, School of Economics
The College of Graduate Research Studies (CGRS) shall provide the secretariat support as required by the UGSC during the evaluation process.
Evaluation Criteria
Nominations will be evaluated with reference to evidence of strength, positive impact and commitment to the support and development of the students’ postgraduate journey in the following areas:
- Successful completion of degree through well-structured relationships and the willingness to invest time and effort in guiding and supporting students' personal and professional development
- Demonstrable enthusiasm and commitment for the role to help students navigate through difficulties, academic or otherwise; establish transparent and reliable communication, with adequately prompt response to requests for meetings and feedback
- Promotes good scientific practice, research, and academic integrity
- Effectiveness in preparing students to be innovative scholars and thought leaders, and helping them to make substantial contributions to their academic field
- Providing a supportive, inclusive, and conducive environment. This includes advocating for students, helping them to access resources, creating opportunities for them to succeed and demonstrating exceptional support through the planning for assessments and the PhD proposal/final defence
- Support, encourage, and provide opportunities for personal development of students beyond the scope of their degree, while ensuring balance with core work.
- Evidence of the impact and outcomes of research supervision, such as successful and timely completions and co-publication or production of other research outputs with or by their candidates
- Commitment to supporting the continued success and professional growth of students post-graduation, e.g., offering constructive employment and career advice, etc.
Submission Requirements
Please refer to the Download Forms and Submission links above.Timeline
Date | Milestone |
1 Jul 2024 | Nomination Opening for 2024 SMU Outstanding Graduate Supervisor Award |
31 Aug 2024 | Nomination Closing for 2024 SMU Outstanding Graduate Supervisor Award |
1 to 30 Sep 2024 | Evaluation of Nominees by University Graduate Supervision Committee |
Early Oct 2024 | Submission of Final Nominees Recommendation to Provost for Endorsement |
TBC | Presentation of SMU Outstanding Graduate Supervisor Award to Recipients at SMU Annual Teaching Excellence Awards |
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